We have a few new pieces in our product line. One is a very nicely detailed Claddagh brooch – kilt pin, with the same design in a smaller pendant design. The other is a Scottish thistle brooch – pin, also very detailed, and both are solid sterling silver.

The Celtic symbolism of the Claddagh stands for Friendship (hands), Loyalty (crown) and Love (heart). It’s motto is, “Let Love and Friendship Rein forever”. It is given and worn, both in friendship and romantic love. It’s origin dates back over 400 years from the village of Claddagh, near Galway, Ireland, but has been adopted by Celts of all persuasions due to its dynamic symbolism.

The Scottish thistle design symbolizes tenacity and strength.The thistle is the national flower of Scotland, and emblematic of their fierce independance. Historically, it is believed to have saved an entire army by warning them of an impending attack by warriors advancing barefoot under darkness of night. When one stepped on a thistle and cried out, it warned the Scots and they were victorious in defeating the enemy.